Special Educational Needs and Equality information
St Cuthbert's Catholic Primary School has a named SENDCO, Ms Lisa Shepherd, who is a member of the Senior Leadership Team and named Governor, Mrs Glen-Ravenhill, who is responsible for SEND.
At St Cuthbert’s we have a clear vision and ethos for all learners. We have a culture of high aspirations and a very creative, flexible, holistic curriculum.
Everything we do is planned with the core belief that our purpose is to make a positive difference to our children’s lives - be that academic, social, emotional or spiritual.
We believe that outstanding academic standards are achieved when a child is fully ready, engaged, prepared, excited to learn, healthy and happy. When all these elements are in place, we are truly addressing the needs of our children. We involve families and carers in all learning at St. Cuthbert’s. Our families are the primary teachers of all our children and we involve them in all areas of learning so that we can support each other and nurture a learning community. Families want their children to be healthy and well; physically, emotionally and mentally. Our families know that when their children are well and engaged in their learning, they make excellent progress.
Together we ensure that St. Cuthbert's Special Educational Needs policy works within the guidelines and inclusion policies of the Code of Practice (2014), the Local Education Authority and other policies current within the school. Our SEND policy was developed in consultation with other SENCOs from Bishop Bewick Catholic Education Trust and developed in response to the 2014 SEND Code of Practice: 0-25 guidance. The policy was written using NASEN guidance.
This policy was created by the school’s SENCO with the SEND Governor in liaison with the SLT, all staff and parents of pupils with SEND and has been shared with stakeholders, including governors, parents, and families via the school newsletter and website. You can download and read our SEND Policy from the link at the bottom of this page. .
Other relevant documentation relating to Equality data, information and objectives:
SEND Information Report
The Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND) Local Offer sets out the support and services that are available for children and young people aged 0-25 years across North Tyneside. You can download and read our SEND Information Report from the link at the bottom of this page. Further information on available local offer services is available on the North Tyneside website here.
Intervention Team
The St Cuthbert's Intervention team are made up of the following members of staff:
The Special Educational Needs Co-ordinator
Teaching Assistants who are trained in a range of Interventions including Precision Teaching, BLAST.,
The link governor for SEND
Outside agencies support staff and children in assessing and reviewing need and teaching and learning strategies. These include:
Educational Psychology Service, North Tyneside
Educational Psychology Service, Bishop Bewick Catholic Education Trust
Language and Communication Team, North Tyneside
Speech and Language Therapy Team, North Tyneside
HIVE Support
EHA Team North Tyneside
Child Advocates
North Tyneside Dyslexia Team
Silverdale outreach team
School Nursing Service
The Locality Team
Social Workers
Sensory Team, North Tyneside
Northumbria Healthcare NHS Foundation Trust
Occupational Therapy
Health Visiting Team
The special educational needs and disability information, advice and support service (SENDIASS) is a specialist service that can help and guide parents in all aspects of special educational needs. They provide:
General advice and information to children, young people, parents and carers
Impartial and factual support on all aspects of the SEN framework
Help with the planning and the assessment process of an education, health and care (EHC) plan.
Additional Information
Below are policies, documents and a range of additional information which you can open by clicking on the relevant link, all links will open in a new window. We hope you will find useful, if you would like to talk about SEND provision at St. Cuthbert's or have any questions please get in touch with us by phoning the school office on 0191 691 9876.