Compassion Matters
At St. Cuthbert's we deliver many aspects of our curriculum using the spirit and ethos of Compassion Matters. Compassion Matters allows us to respond to and use topics and events that have a real life impact in our community. Through Compassion Matters we are able to have a whole school community focus on real life events and how we can learn from them and take inspiration to help us understand the topics of compassion, courage, happiness and wisdom. We strongly believe that compassion is a human quality that has an enormous positive impact on our lives and the lives of people around us and our wider community. Compassion is a human quality that we can learn to recognise and our children do this every day at school as they give our RAKtivist awards to other children, staff at school and community members for their Random Acts of Kindness. Compassion Matters allows our children and community opportunities to:
Learn about compassion, community and equity,
make a positive difference through their actions and words,
respond to events in the world around us such as understanding the need to support our local community,
be aware of and have a better understanding of national and global events such as communities managing to deal with COVID, financial pressures on families and communities and wars across the world.
Compassion Matters runs through our whole curriculum and can be very clearly seen in Religious Education, PSHCE as well as our children's personal development and helps develop positive behaviours and attitudes.